Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Video Game Seduction Secrets

Compelling findings:
- intrinsic desires
- motivations
- "with games, learning is the drug"
- master skills
- constant progress
- continually evolving change
- autonomy
- games notice
- established reward systems
- elements of the unexpected to stay compelled
- disproportionate feedback

Gaming and learning.

There are many similar characteristics between gaming and learning. Some of the same things that motivates us, enthuse us, and intrigues us about gaming can be applied to learning. In learning just as in gaming, you want specific motivators, constant reminder or progress, rewards for advancement, excitement in reaching or mastering a new level, and feedback that is conducive to the skills being mastered.

With gaming being so prevalent in a large billion dollar industry, educators have to adapt and implement. Adapt to the changing learning patterns of a generation of students who are born into the constant use of technology. Adapt to the consequence it has on their attention spans, the way they learn, and how they comprehend. Implement a full proof lesson with these advantages/disadvantages in mind. Implement gaming as a resource and not an "activity". Implement the concepts associated with gaming like those listed in my findings above.

Learning and gaming.



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